Sajafin Group is backed by MR Group of Colleges and Hospitals, which manage 13 Colleges and 5 Hospitals. The MR group is an established, well respected brand that assures security to your investments.
Invest in popular mutual funds and SIPs assuring high return on investment to grow your wealth sustainably
Get loans against gold at an attractive rate of interest with a secure storage facility
Grow your wealth while securing your loved ones’ interests in your absence
Online saving account at your fingertips
We are set to provide card service with attractive rewards and discounts at established merchant points.
Get digital banking services of trusted banks at your fingertips.
We are set to provide a premium trading experience.
Charts Powered By TradingView:
Sajafin utilizes charts powered by TradingView, a comprehensive investing and trading platform. It offers powerful tools like a Stock screener to help identify market trends.
Sajfin Group is a conglomerate of businesses that have a diversified interest in several sectors such as finance, pharmaceuticals, energy, real estate and technology.
You can find the investment plan tailored to your need with one time as well systematic investment and return plans that cater to your different needs at different points in life.
The rate of return varies on the type and length of investment. However we provide greater returns compared to industry standards for the same time frames.
Returns are generated via investment across low-risk, high yield sectors while collaborating with established financial institutions.
We provide a transparent and secure app that gives you easy access while securing the app from unscrupulous intent.